Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bye Bye Misterrrrr....Bil.. :( boo huhu.. (crocodile tears welling in my eyes)

Wow I just came back from a fishing trip. Thought I'd have some quiet time to myself...just me and the fish hehe...but darn it! That is just becoming impossible these days..even in the deep jungle someone managed to text me with some pretty interesting news...Well the news is Misterrrr Bil the WORLD class chief judge has been sacked! Kicked off the shores of Semenanjung by a "flying kick" ( ala Jet Lee, Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan) by the "Big Kahuna" (dunno whether he managed to get both feet off the ground!) back to Europe...errrr sorry I mean back to Indonesia. hehe. Is it for good? Well who knows..the way things are going in Malaysia he might turn up next year as WORLD class chief judge of Cheer Comp! hehe...or even better WORLD class chief judge of DC "YEA" which will be touted as affiliated to DC "EYE". hehe. Be careful  out there...remember what I said earlier...read the label before you buy. LOL

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