Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Fairy Tale In A Land Far Far Away

This morning I am not feeling too well...down with flu (my doctor said) but it could be a  bad case of  stomach cramps due to the convulsing, gut wrenching, migraine inducing, hypoglycemic situation our marching band scene is in ( I said). We are in dire straits, pathetic and perilously close to going down hill (Overly emotional you say). Its the cough mixture haha. 

Well lets be honest for a second...look beyond the bands...Are we on track or are we off track? Are we moving forward or have we taken ten steps backward? Are we independent  or are we being manipulated? Are we brave enough to take the next step or are we cowered into towing the line? Are we a bunch of blind men where the one eyed is king?

Well for me with nothing else to do but stay in bed I cautiously browsed through the net looking for something to "kill" the hours away. I came across a fictitious piece which was interesting enough for me to draw similarities with the Malaysian marching band fraternity.

As the story goes... there lived a mean and ugly ogre who was shunned by the villagers. He was so mean that the villagers now and then organise a lynching party only to be cowered at the last minute by the ugly ogre's ear piercing growl ( like in Shrek la). But ole' ugly ogre has one big dream.. that is to be a WORLD mega star! Yes, an ogre singing on the world stage...his kind of "music". Anyway...he continued with his wayward ways, plundering and being obnoxious to..well everyone...until one fine day he noticed he was utterly alone and unwanted ( sniff....sniff). So he thought to himself how could he "buy" some "real" friends and nobility so that the villagers would shun him no more and he could walk the streets of Boleh Land without the villagers sniggering and jeering at him and his dream of international stardom nearer to realisation. 

Then, one sunny morning while bathing in his mud bath he pounced upon a brilliant idea. Why not propose marriage to the king's ugly daughter? No one else would! She's already near the end of her "shelf" life. She's not actually an ogre...more on the heavy side..cute ( ugly but nice to look at) and actually has a very kind demeanour. Now he thinks, this could be the solution he has been looking for high and low. With one deft move he could be transformed into prince charming!...and his dream of super stardom could then take off into the night sky! He speculates he is already on his way to be the first singing Ogre Dato'!

He now only has to device a plan on  how to "lure" the oblivious princess into his trap. He cunningly comes up with a sneaky plan to create an accident in front of the castle! One balmy afternoon when the princess and her escort leave the castle he quickly sets up his ruse. A humongous trunk of a tree blocks the princess's carriage around a bend on the road and knocks her carriage over pinning the ugly princess in her carriage. She cries for help frantically and out comes our hero Ogre to the rescue! News reached the king of this heroic deed by the ugly Ogre. As is customary in those days the king then regally ask the ugly ogre what he wants in return and it shall be granted. The ugly ogre gleefully pulls out his list of three wishes 1) The princess's hand in marriage 2) A Dato'ship 3) A royal decree declaring him a godsend  WORLD mega star! The king mulls through his three wishes and decreed "you shall have my daughter's hand in marriage, I shall bestow upon you a DGHS (Darjah Gemok Hodoh Sedunia) bearing the title of Dato' but I cannot make you a WORLD mega star as my kingdom is only as far as the next kampong. What would the Americans say?" exclaimed the king. The ugly ogre although slightly disappointed accepted the king's decision. Two out of three ain't bad he thinks to himself. I have now a wife as ugly as me, a DGHS and I only have to behave as badly as can be...before long I shall have my dream to be a WORLD mega star! Numero Uno...Alpha Lion On Top Of The Mountain..

Hmmm...I shall stop there for now...feeling very drowsy..the cough mixture definitely.

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